We are glad you want to test eRecruiter in action!

Over 1,800 companiesMore than 1,000,000 completed recruitment projects.

Complete the form and find out why you should move all your recruitment projects to the eRecruiter system and stay with us for longer.

I want to receive marketing and commercial information from eRecruitment Solutions.

eRecruitment Solutions Sp. z o.o., ul. Prosta 68, 00-838 Warszawa; adrress e-mail: kontakt@erecruiter.pl.
Marketing information from eRecruitment Solutions Sp. z o. o. is information about the products and services of eRecruitment Solutions Sp. z o. o., in particular information about commercial offers and events organized by eRecruitment Solutions Sp. z o. o., as well as e-books, newsletters and other promotional materials. You may also receive invitations to participate in various marketing research conducted by eRecruitment Solutions Sp. z o. o., in particular in satisfaction surveys with the services provided by eRecruitment Solutions Sp. z o. o. or others regarding the labor market and Human Resources. We profile your preferences and interests on the terms set out here


The administrator of your personal data provided in the form is eRecruitment Solutions sp. z o. o., ul. Prosta 68, 00-838 Warszawa, contact address: kontakt@erecruiter.pl. We process your data, among others: in order to establish contact, provide test access to the eRecruiter application and for marketing purposes. More information about the processing of your personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy.

We believe that working on real projects will give you a feeling of how valuable the system is as a tool for recruitment management. Start the 21 trial period in your company!

Why should you test the eRecruiter system?

  • You get a tool supporting the management of online recruitment and online job interviews.
  • You can check how effectively you can cooperate online with line managers.
  • You can collect the resumes in one place and start building your candidate database.
  • You can try the automated communication with candidates.
  • You can generate reports summarizing the effects of your work with a single click.
  • And all of the above with the assistance of a dedicated consultant and online consulting (during implementation and daily work).

Start your trial period to learn how your recruitment process can change.

 eRecruiter guarantees personal data safety required under the GDPR. We have online access to our processes, from any place, at any moment, exactly when we need it. Additionally, we have been able to stop using hard copies of job applications. We engage our managers in the conducted processes in a very simple way. Intuitiveness of the eRecruiter operation facilitates custom configuration, which gives us the feeling the system is tailor-made and adjusted to our needs. This tool makes work more effective and faster, which enables us to pay more attention to our candidates.


 Beata Bojzan-Matysiak, Head of the Development and Recruitment Department Laboratorium Kosmetyczne Dr Irena Eris